Living in Vitalia

Living in Vitalia

What does living in Vitalia look like?

*Click to toggle and expand for answers.

Venue | What is Vitalia on the ground like? (physical location)
Accommodation | Where can I stay?
Transportation | How would I move around?
Food | What are the eating options?
Working | Am I going to be able to work?
Transact | How can I pay for things around the island?
Medical | Is there medical assistance available?

More Information

Housing Terms & ConditionsHousing Terms & ConditionsTransportation GuideTransportation GuideSafety & Emergency ContactsSafety & Emergency ContactsShipping Things To RoatanShipping Things To RoatanGet Phone Service in RoatanGet Phone Service in Roatan
If you have any further questions, you can check the FAQs page or ask them in our private Community Chat, which you will have access to upon being accepted on your Vitalia application.