Startups We Want To See At Vitalia

*This is part of Vitalia's Startup Accelerator and Investment Program

Vitalia is building a decentralized city to accelerate the longevity of biotech development (“make death optional”). To succeed at this, Vitalia is harboring the world’s best scientists and entrepreneurs to use the regulatory flexibility in Próspera ZEDE’s jurisdiction.

This regulatory flexibility makes companies possible that otherwise wouldn’t be, or at least it can reduce time-to-market by 10x. Utilizing this advantage requires context and funding. This is why Vitalia has a Startup Accelerator and Investment Program with 40+ companies that signed up and raised $1.5M in funding in the last two months. There are possibilities to build startups that Vitalia is uniquely positioned to see.

Below is a list of projects that would powerfully accelerate the development of radical life extension (hint: it’s NOT only biotechnology or healthcare). If you feel compelled to work on one of these ideas, or if you think what you’re working on is a fit anyway, please apply to the program:

You can also reach out directly to Pedro Azevedo:

Health-Life Insurance Combo
Off-Label Clinical Trials
Human Challenge Trials
Accredited Ingestor
Decentralized FDA
Longevity Dividend Fund
Relocation Insurance Fund
B2B Securities Marketplace
Decentralized Vitalia
Patient Rights Sourcing Solutions

Regulatory innovation has not been possible until Prospea ZEDE came along. This opens up a whole new world of possibilities for advancing radical life extension technologies. This is a complex new world, so education and ethics around balancing risk with innovation are paramount.

A good starting point is the Stranded Technologies Podcast.

If you’re a scientist or an entrepreneur looking for their next mission, visit us in Vitalia, apply to the Startups & Investment Program, or find other ways to engage here: